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Living Labs (LL) are open innovation ecosystems in real-world environments that use iterative feedback processes throughout the innovation lifecycle to create sustainable impact. They focus on co-creation, rapid prototyping and testing, and scaling innovation and entrepreneurship, providing shared value to stakeholders (various types). In this context, living labs act as mediators/orchestra between citizens, research organizations, societies and government agencies/levels. Across a wide variety of living labs, they share common characteristics but multiple different implementations.
Living laboratories, as a real test and experimental environment, support co-creation and open innovation between the main actors of the Quadruple Helix model, namely: The general public, Public administration and self-government, Business sector and Educational institutions.
BAKITA.M., PLESNÍK.J., THE CREATION OF REGIONAL CIRCULAR ECONOMY CENTRES OF THE QUINTUPLE HELIX APPROACH, CER Comparative European Research 2022, Research track of the 18th Biannual CER Comparative European Research Conference, ISBN 978-1-7399378-3-6
BAKITA.M., PLESNÍK.J., AKTIVITY KLASTROVEJ ORGANIZÁCIE REPRIK V REGIÓNE GEMER-MALOHONT, ENERGOFUTURA 2022, Zápisník príspevkov a prezentácií, Vydal: NEK, Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-973571-5-3
PLESNÍK.J., PLESNÍK.M., Obehové hospodárstvo v regionálnej samospráve Regionálne centrum obehového hospodárstva, Recenzovaný zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie MMK 2021, Masarykova medzinárodná konferencia pre doktorandov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov 2021, ISBN: 978-80-87952-35-1,
PLESNÍK.M., Práca a zamestnanosť v obehovom hospodárstve, Zborník prezentácií úspešných inovácií ECO & ENERGY Innovation, Košice, 2020. Vydal: NEK, Bratislava. ISBN: 978-80-972637-0-6
PLESNÍK.J., PLESNÍK.M., Regionálne centrum obehového hospodárstva – Regional Hub of Circular Economy, Zborník medzinárodnej konferencie ECO & ENERGY Innovation 2022, ISBN: 978-80-973571-3-9
Uznesenie Európskeho parlamentu z 15. júna 2017 o Európskej agende pre kolaboratívne hospodárstvo (2017/2003(INI)),