Informácie pre autorov

Manuscript format
  • Title of the paper – centered, capital letters (12-point font size, Arial Bold);
  • Author’s name – centered, do not include professional, official or academic degrees (12-point font size, Arial (Italics);
  • Abstract (8 – 10 lines) – English language (10,5-point font size, TNR Italics);
  • Key words (at least 5 words) – written in Slovak (Czech) and English language (10,5-point font size, TNR Italics);
Body of main text: Introduction (establish the existing state of knowledge of your research topic, identify the specific focus of your work, include relevant citations from primary literature, justify how this topic requires additional study, state specific objectives/hypotheses, methods, describe the meaning of your research); Goal and Methodology; Findings; Discussion; Body of main text should be divided into chapters and subchapters. Chapter titles are to be numbered, 11-point font size bold, align left; Conclusion; Notes.

Manuscript formatting:
  • aligned to block,
  • 11-point font size, Times New Roman,
  • single spaced,
  • indent each new paragraph 3 pt,
  • do not paginate.
Tables and graphs are to be in black and white colour, numbered in order of their being referenced in the text. Table titles (Table 1), graph titles (Graph 1) and/or figure titles (Fig.1) should be written in 10,5-point font size, Times New Roman Bold Italics. Indicate source in 8-point font size, Times New Roman. Source: Cihelhová. (2009). Svetová ekonomika, s.23., By:, (2012-15-03). Formulas are to be numbered using a parenthesis. References in the text (Harvard style – APA styles (American Psycho-logical Association 6th edition) should be set in parenthesis in this type of format: (a surname of an author(s) of a work, comma the year of edition and number of pages, for example: (Romer, 1985, pp. 998-1020; Snowdon (Ed.), 1998, p. 100; Snowdon et al., 1998, pp. 100-121; Romer, 1985, pp. 998-1020).

References should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper. List references in alphabetical order by surname and name of the author in line with the applicable Slovak style of reference/citation. References within the text (name, date and page number) may be given in parenthesis (Drucker, 2005, p. 87). Do not use footnotes.

Author’s address/authors’ addresses: full name and surname, incl. academic degrees, institutional affiliation, address, telephone number and e-mail address.

Sociálno-ekonomická revue
Fakulta sociálno-ekonomických vzťahov
Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne
Študentská 2
911 50 Trenčín
Slovak Republic

tel.: +421 7400 428

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