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In today's world, computer skills have become a necessity. However, there are differences between countries in the level of computer literacy of people in different age groups. In the long term, Finland achieves the best results in the level of computer literacy. The goal of the research study is to specify the differences in computer skills in Slovakia and Finland. The research is focused on people aged 50+. SHARE questionnaire - Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe was used to achieve the goal. The total number of observations was 2158. Chi-square (χ2) Test for Independence, Cramér's V and adjusted residuals were used to achieve the goal. Based on the methods used, we accepted the hypothesis that there is a significant association between countries (Slovakia and Finland) and computer skills. In Slovakia, there is a large share of people aged 50+ who have never used a computer. An approach by the government to promote expansion of access to the Internet, similar to Finland, could contribute to improving computer literacy in the Slovak Republic.


Vydanie: 2022/2     Strany: 21-28     Klasifikácia JEL: C12, J24, C19     

Kľúčové slová: Computer skills, Chi-square Test of Independence, SHARE


Eva Grmanová, doc. RNDr., PhD.
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations,
Dubcek University of Trencin,
Slovakia, e-mail: eva.


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Sociálno-ekonomická revue
Fakulta sociálno-ekonomických vzťahov
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