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In the society of the 21st century, obsolescence as a phenomenon is all around us, it affects everyone, even if there are those who are less aware of it and do not deal with it. The aim of our study is to identify consumers' attitudes towards planned obsolescence, as well as to learn about their clothes buying habits. We conducted primary research through an online questionnaire, which was distributed using the snowball method. A total of 176 respondents participated in the research. The data analysis was carried out with the help of Microsoft Excel program. Based on our research results, the majority of respondents buy new fashion products every month or every six months. The reason for the exchange is usually that the product is no longer wearable or the customer simply wants something new. More than half of the people participating in the research fell victim to functional obsolescence as a result, but psychological obsolescence also appears. When buying new fashion products, the most important aspects are comfort and durability. On average, 34.42% of the respondents' wardrobe consists of products that are worn less often than every six months.

Autor: Kamilla BAŠA, Emese SZABÓ FARKAS

Vydanie: 2022/2     Strany: 12-20     Klasifikácia JEL: D10, L60, L67     

Kľúčové slová: Buying behavior, fashion, fashion industry, fast fashion, planned obsolescence


Mgr. Kamilla Baša
Department of Management
Faculty of Economics and Informatics
J. Selye University
Bratislavská cesta 3322, 945 01 Komárno

Bc. Emese Szabó Farkas
Department of Management
Faculty of Economics and Informatics
J. Selye University
Bratislavská cesta 3322, 945 01 Komárno


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Sociálno-ekonomická revue
Fakulta sociálno-ekonomických vzťahov
Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne
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