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This text is a critical - but not criticizing - essay focused on issues of the impact of technologization, globalization and liquid capitalism on the world of work and education. It is divided into four separate parts. The first part (From industrialization to technologization) deals with the definition of the key categories, which are industrialization, industrial revolution and technologization. The second part (Fluidity and Power) deals with the issue of Bauman's fluid modernity and related phenomena, which are fluid capitalism, globalization and changes in area of the division of labor. The third part (Liquid Education) is an analytical insight into the impacts of wider societal changes to the values in education, educational goals and the content of education in liquid capitalism. The last (4th) part (Liquid of work and occupation, liquid careers) deals with the changes of work and career in liquid modernity. The aim of the text is to provide a reminder, among other things, that despite the great respect for technological ability, intelligence and complexity of many engineers and technologists who create advanced robots (hardware but also software), issues of morality, ethics, culture, emotions and values belong in the hands of fields other than ICT. Even this still sovereign area of humanity is influenced by the advancing technologization of our society.

Autor: Vojtěch KOŘEN

Vydanie: 2022/1     Strany: 43-58     Klasifikácia JEL: A14, B55, B24, B25, E24, J24, J31, J62, O33     

Kľúčové slová: technologization, industrialization, industrial revolution, knowledge society, technocracy, liquid capitalism, liquid modernity, work, digital society, informational society


PhDr. Vojtěch KOŘEN
Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc
Department of Sociology, Andragogy and Cultural Anthropology
tř. Svobody 26, 779 00, Olomouc Czech Republic


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