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When staffing the public administration organizations it is not enough to define the necessary qualifications and knowledge to perform the work. One of the prerequisites for work performance and required work behaviour of employees is their positive attitude to work and organization. The paper deals with working attitudes and motivation as prerequisites for achieving effective work performance for managers in public administration. Job satisfaction is first of all understood as emotional response to which extent the employee perceives his organization and his job as satisfying his needs. Employee satisfaction represents a subjective process of comparing the expectations and the real conditions connected with the aspects of work The aim of the contribution is to identify differences in working attitudes (engagement, loyalty, organizational commitment, job satisfaction) and motivation by elected and appointed representatives of municipal and local authorities and district offices. It has been found that there are no differences in terms of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, loyalty, commitment and motivation among elected and appointed representatives of municipal and local authorities and district authorities.

Autor: Stanislava MINÁROVÁ

Vydanie: 2018/1     Strany: 53-66     Klasifikácia JEL: M12, M54, M53     

Kľúčové slová: public administration, engagement, loyalty, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, motivation


PhDr. Ing. Stanislava Minárová
Faculty of Public adminnistration UPJŠ in Košice
Department of social study
Popradská 66
041 32 Košice


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Sociálno-ekonomická revue
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