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Human resource management suggests that organizations that want to attract and in the future retain quality human resources for business with the goal of sustainable development must change the prevailing situation, especially now that human resources are consumed rather than developed. At the same time, green management of human resources was recently introduced as a response to changes at the social, economic and especially environmental level of the labor market and employment relations. Green human resources management is understood as an extension of strategic human resources management and represents a new approach to people management with a focus on long-term development, regeneration and renewal of human resources in the context of sustainable business development. However, the attributes of green HRM compared to mainstream HRM are not yet completely clear and precise. The contribution aims to fill this gap by proposing and revealing the characteristics of green human resource management and their impact and influence on business sustainability, as well as the possibilities of integrating green human resource management practices into businesses.

Autor: Katarína KRÁĽOVÁ

Vydanie: 2023/2     Strany: 47-55     Klasifikácia JEL: M12, M14, Q56     

Kľúčové slová: green human resource management, sustainable development, business


Katarína Kráľová, Ing., Ph.D.
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations
Študentská 3, 911 50 Trenčín , Slovak republic


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Sociálno-ekonomická revue
Fakulta sociálno-ekonomických vzťahov
Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne
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Slovak Republic

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