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Europe's aging population brought the need to cope with the challenges posed by use of employment potential of older people in the labor market. One of them is to monitor the development of key factors: employment, health, well-being and education, which encourage or suppress the use of employment potential. Employment potential value of older people in the European Union 28 in the years 2008-2018 is used to monitor the development of factors, on the basis of which the values of individual countries are determined by their ranking. Data are obtained from Eurostat and UNECE databases. Finland recorded the most significant shift in the ranking among the countries, mainly due to the growth of the education factor. Estonia had the largest drop, mainly due to the decline in the well-being level of older people. Visegrad group countries had a dichotomous development: Poland, Slovakia and Hungary rose in the ranking due to the growth of the education factor, while the Czech Republic fell sharply due to reduced well-being values.

Autor: Jozef BARTEK

Vydanie: 2022/1     Strany: 5-11     Klasifikácia JEL: E24, I00, I30, J14     

Kľúčové slová: ageing, employment potential, labor market, older people


Jozef Bartek, Ing.
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations, Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín
Študentská 2, 91150 Trenčín, Slovakia


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Sociálno-ekonomická revue
Fakulta sociálno-ekonomických vzťahov
Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne
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