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Public administration is a main pillar of society, its organization and governance. Its functionality is based on internal and external system elements. One of these elements is human resources, respectively bureaucrats. This official apparatus is not only the driving force of public administration but also liaison officers in these processes. Its role is to assist the state and its clients (citizens) in fulfilling their tasks, duties and rights. On the basis of these facts, the aim idea of this article is to draw attention to the current and desired quality status of this area. This objective will be met by analysis, synthesis, comparison and questionnaire analysis. The result of these activities will be recommendations that should be beneficial to society, the official apparatus and the state itself. The importance of the public administration is considerable. Its activities and interventions are important to the running of society and the State. Its driving force are not only processes, but also systems, employees, bureaucrats, officials, bureaucracy. This is the mirror of the relationship with its clients, who are primarily citizens.

Autor: Martina KLIEROVÁ

Vydanie: 2018/3     Strany: 39-46     Klasifikácia JEL:      

Kľúčové slová: Bureaucracy, Human Resources, Public Administration


Martina, Klierová, Ing. PhD.
Department of Public Administration and Regional Economics,
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations,
Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín
Študentská 3, 911 50 Trenčín,


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Sociálno-ekonomická revue
Fakulta sociálno-ekonomických vzťahov
Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne
Študentská 2
911 50 Trenčín
Slovak Republic

tel.: +421 7400 428

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