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The paper focuses on highlighting the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the European Union as well as in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. We have documented their significant place by computing selected indicators that have a high level of ability to express the power and significance of this segment of the business sphere. Among the selected indicators we included: the size and size structure of SMEs, employment in SMEs, the share of SMEs in value added and the export performance of SMEs. By using scientific data sorting methods, we divided the article into 4 chapters that formulate the speech objectives of the synthesis by the synthesis method. By using mathematical and graphical methods, the results are clearly shown in charts and tables. The rapid growth of SMEs in our conditions was recorded in 1991/92 and their birth was conditioned by several factors: the gradual breakdown of large state-owned enterprises in the process of the first wave of large privatization and the emergence of a larger number of SMEs, the return of property to citizens in restitution, and the emergence of a larger number of SMEs with foreign ownership.
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