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Inclusive markets refer to a specific form of a social economy aimed at improving the capability of the long-term unemployed to get employed in the open labour market. The purpose of the paper is to identify trends shaping the V4 labour markets in terms of the inclusive market. In the paper, the Visegrad Group regional labour markets at NUTS II level are analysed and compared, using the indicators of employment rate 15-64, unemployment rate 20-64, and long-term unemployment rate in the monitored period of 2000 to 2016. In order to compare and evaluate the indicators, scoring and ranking methods are utilised. On average, the best scores are achieved by the regions in the Czech Republic, however some regions in Hungary also achieved excelled scores in the first and the last years under examination. In the period under analysis, the best ranking was achieved by the region of Prague, followed by two other regions in the Czech Republic, one region in Hungary and the region of Bratislava. The point assessment of all V4 regions shows that the top five regions also include the region of Bratislava, yet two regions out of four are holding the last positions.
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