Concepts associated with the Conscious Capitalism, Economy for the Common Good, Solidarity Economy or the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) models have been developed as a proposal to make economic development a more integral process. The objective is to identify the practices of B Companies, as a proposal to conduct business from a future that observes community practices that are more humane and aware of the current reality, which generates positive impacts on the companies that apply them. This is a qualitative multi-case study, where 5 Mexican companies from different sectors have been analyzed. These companies have established their business models based on the certification of B Companies. The multi-case studies are nested in the areas of the model: customers, community, collaborators, environment, and governance. The sources of information will be secondary, through netnography. This article analyzes websites, social networks, and blogs of the presented cases. The main findings show a commitment to environmental care, an active participation of stakeholders, as well as a positive relationship with customers and employees. The challenges for this companies are transparency and accountability, as well as their ability to align their interests to bring the common good, and not just to make short-term profits.
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