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The term youth development as a way of defining the efforts of youth workers and youth service organization and their acceptance in practice is relatively new. In the past two decades there has been a great deal of interest and attention focused on development principles and strategies to be used in the practice of youth work. The main aim of the paper is focused on the evaluation of the system of youth work development in Trenčín self-governing region. Therefore, we offer a brief overview of the system of youth work, stating the basic characteristics and emphasis on the activities of the Regional Leisure Centre in Trenčín - the Regional Youth Centre.


Release: 2020/1     Pages: 29-39     JEL classification: J13, I20, I28     

Keywords: youth, youth work, participation, regional and youth policy, cooperation


Ing. Katarína Havierniková, PhD.
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Študentská 3
911 50 Trenčín, Slovakia

Ing. Silvia Štefániková
Regional Youth Centre
Pod Sokolice 14, 911 01 Trenčín, Slovakia

Mgr. Mária Petríková
Regional Youth Centre
Pod Sokolice 14, 911 01 Trenčín, Slovakia


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Social and Economic Revue
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations
Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín
Študentská 2
911 50 Trenčín
Slovak Republic

tel.: +421 7400 428

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