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The history of public administration could be examined from several points of view. In the past the territory of present Slovakia belonged to different states. The first stable administration was created in the Hungarian Kingdom but the Christian church founded its own administration. The Osman invaders formed their specific public administration to achieve only one goal: to collect enough tax revenues. The Habsburg supremacy tried to modify the traditional county system twice, from 1781 to 1790 and from 1850 to 1860. The foundation of Czechoslovakia brought a new age. The historical public administration was completely reconstructed. After the fall of iron curtain and fifteen years later, when Slovakia became o member of EU not only the system but the function of public administration was changed. There were realised some waves of reform to make the public administration modern, more effective and “citizen friendly”.

Authors: Zsolt HORBULÁK, Martina KLIEROVÁ

Release: 2017/4     Pages: 51-58     JEL classification: N93, N94, H83      

Keywords: public administration, reform, region, state administration, territorial government


Zsolt, Horbulák, Ing. Mgr., PhD.
Department of Social and Human Sciences
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Študentská 2, Trenčín

Martina, Klierová, Ing., PhD.
Department of Public Administration and Regional Economics
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Študentská 2, Trenčín


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Social and Economic Revue
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations
Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín
Študentská 2
911 50 Trenčín
Slovak Republic

tel.: +421 7400 428

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