Digitalisation plays a key role in today's economy, where businesses need to invest in developing the digital competences of their human capital to remain competitive. Human capital is thus becoming an essential element of the digital transformation process. In this context, increasing investment in human capital is an essential strategy to foster innovation and sustainable growth. Although the existing literature addresses various aspects of human capital in the digital economy, a systematic review of the most relevant research areas is still lacking. The aim of this study is therefore to identify current research directions regarding the role of human capital in the digital era. Based on an analysis of peer-reviewed articles from the Web of Science database, published in SSCI journals in Q1 and Q2 categories, we identified key research areas using the PRISMA method. The most frequently researched topics include the importance of human capital, the development of digital competencies, investment in innovation and business performance. This study provides a systematic literature review that can serve as a foundation for future research initiatives in the digital economy and human capital development.
Keywords: digital economy, Human capital, Digital transformation, Innovation
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Ing. Jakub Holúbek
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Faculty of Socio-Economic Relations
Študentská 3
Trenčín, 911 50
e-mail: jakub.holubek@tnuni.sk
Ing. Jana Masárová, PhD.
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín
Faculty of Socio-Economic Relations
Študentská 3
Trenčín, 911 50
Slovakia, e-mail: jana.masarova@tnuni.sk
Social and Economic Revue
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations
Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín
Študentská 2
911 50 Trenčín
Slovak Republic