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The tax authorities in Mexico, due to the improper use of Digital Tax Receipts over the Internet and based on the electronic tax information issued by taxpayers that generate tax evasion, establishes the scheme of Simulated Operations with two aspects, the Companies that Bill Operations Simulated and the Companies that Deduct Simulated Operations, based on article 69-B of the Fiscal Code of the Federation, in which taxpayers are required to demonstrate the materiality of the acts they carry out, that is, the reality of their fiscal operations . The objective of the investigation is to demonstrate the importance of taxpayers adequately and sufficiently documenting the materiality of their operations. Through qualitative research, it is concluded that reviews beyond accounting are necessary for the Tax Administration Service, organizations must prove the materiality of their operations with the following documents obtained from their providers: the veracity of the digital tax receipt online; investigate its administrative, operational and fiscal aspects; the physical location of the establishment; the corporate purpose; your financial capacity; the business model; compliance with your tax obligations; verification of the presumption of non-existence of operations; analysis of contracts and agreements; collection of evidence on purchase orders, orders and bids; and public documents.
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