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The current atmosphere ruling in the society,the quality of created and contemporary relations among people are in principle simultaneously relatively faitfully projected into the relations inside the family, into the collective. Its approximate reflection is present, therefore, in the living working collective. Deformed social relations are deforming, what is clear, also the environment of economic relations. The atmosphere in the working place is immediately influencing the movement of social relations, from the atmosphere unreeled from the state of the society.However, the most dangerous for the society and its existence is the creation of such a situation and the social atmosphere that are directly determined and channeled by non legal and unrightful practices of concret individuals and groups which are typical for the so called social underworld.It is unavoidably necessary also to proceed to the revision of documents concerning the attained education in the interest of the optimal run of the state and its economics that are shoved by managers in all grades and levels of the state and its public administration management. Such a procedure in the private sector should be activated in the facultative base. It would be necessary to eliminate and to remove - on the basis of the exactly achieve results - from management processes and influence such persons that are not shoving the achieved declared education by the trustworthy way. It will be also necessary to analyze their justification and ways of their selection into the management functions together with the determination of the concrete personal responsibility for the contingent unstandard way in the selection process. After the moral and material social damages counting up it will be inevitably necessary to require the compensation from persons and institutions that caused the mentioned damagers.Means accumulated in such a way will be able to use for the development of public estates.

Authors: Kristína KRÁLIKOVÁ, Jozef KRÁLIK

Release: 2021/1     Pages: 25-37     JEL classification: J81, M54, O35     

Keywords: society, work environment,cadre,education,responsibility


Lt Col. Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Ing. Bc. Kristína Králiková, PhD., MBA
Academy of the Police Force in Bratislava
Department of Administrative Law Sklabinská ul. č. 1
835 17 Bratislava – Rača

prof. JUDr. Jozef Králik, CSc., MBA
Danubius University
Faculty of Law Janko Jesenský
Richterova 1171/66
925 21 Sládkovičovo


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Social and Economic Revue
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations
Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín
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911 50 Trenčín
Slovak Republic

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