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This paper provides a picture of the importance of the skills that every student should develop in a plurilingual context, of the satisfactions and challenges of being competent in the labor market in the era of globalization. By presenting an overview of the professional competencies for students, these theoretical approaches give an insight into how to succeed to be a good professional, how to use and develop subject knowledge and how to take charge of the continuing development as a student. Nowadays, apart from knowledge, experience, and competencies, it is important that students bring with them the interpersonal skills paired with decision-making and problem-solving skills. The cooperation between students, the different stages of development of a group of students organizing in intercultural teams, driven by one common target have distinct advantages that are necessary for developing a high-performance of professional competencies. In our society, we have to develop a deep understanding and awareness of the professional competences for students of all countries and cultures and knowledge in developing the ability to adapt to the new labor market.
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