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The objective of this communication is to present an activity related to reading at university, in order to promote reading in students through various readings and the recommendation of them to colleagues. Several problems of our students (who have received literary training in their compulsory and post-compulsory studies and are, in theory, quite competent) appeared at the time of facing the reading of texts, both literary and academic. On the other hand, the activity provides us with a great deal of information about the expectations, the difficulties, the devices, the themes and the reading strategies used in everyday life and in the university studies. In conclusion, we highlight the positive reception of the proposal by students and the possibilities of completion in all university degrees. It is, in short, an academic practice that affects the integral formation of the individuals and the idea of lifelong learning, and that reaffirms us in the previous idea of the need to continue in some way to encourage reading and literary training in university students.
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