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A high-quality business environment is currently the basis for the long-term development of entrepreneurial activity, the sustainable increase in the economy's performance and the standard of living of the population. The current state of the business environment in Slovakia requires versatile increasing demands on business. The aim of the following paper is to characterize the development and state of the business environment in the Trenčín Region, with particular reference to small and medium-sized enterprises.Small and medium-sized enterprises are an important part of a modern market economy. The interest of the Slovak Republic in the development and support of SMEs has been increasing in recent years and new opportunities open up to the EU, but due to the high demands of the customers, the demands on the quality of the businesses and the products provided are greatly increasing. SMEs benefit the region, so the state should support these businesses. One option to help small and medium-sized businesses to develop is to use Eurofunds, further reduce administrative burdens, provide advice and information services, educate entrepreneurs.
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