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Information and communication technologies are changing our lives. What will the future cannot estimate, but it is expected that activities in the areas of life are changing fundamentally, and traditional solutions are lost. Social changes are closely related to ICT, and mutually affect one without the other cannot imagine actually already. With the use of ICT it is directly related to the modernization of public administration and the use of electronic start similar activities in public administration, which is called eGovernment. The EU issued a decision on the establishment of a single electronic system, called eGovernment, to which was attached the whole process of eGovernment. Slovak Republic has committed itself to creating an electronic image of public administration already at the entrance to the European Union and in 2004-2006 began the first activities that were related to the introduction of eGovernment and the informatisation of society. Performance of public administration in this area goes through different phases and electronisation is becoming easier and more accessible. The paper mapping the transformation of public administration into electronic form in the Slovak Republic.
Nesvadba, A., Pšenková, J. 2012. Základy správneho práva. 1. vydanie. Trenčín: FSEV TnUAD, 2012. 175 s. ISBN 978-80-8075-519-5
Zákon č. 305/2013 Z. z. o elektronickej podobe výkonu pôsobnosti orgánov verejnej moci a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov.
Zákon č. 275/2006 Z. z. o informačných systémoch verejnej správy a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov.
Výnos Ministerstva financií SR č. 55/2014 Z. z. o štandardoch pre informačné systémy verejnej správy v znení neskorších predpisov.
www.informatizá (2016). strategické dokumenty eGovernmentu: Stratégia informatizácie verejnej správy 2008, Národná koncepcia informatizácie verejnej správy 2008, Národná koncepcia informatizácie verejnej správy 2016 – Národná agentúra pre sieťové a elektronické služby SK