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The success of each business entity depends on its ability to find and manage the risks and control hazards and eliminate the uncertainty. By uncertainty we can understand the situation in which we are unable to define with sufficient reliability either states, respectively the processes or results that may occur in that area of interest. The responsibility for risk management in each business entity is realized through the management. The highest responsibility is naturally carrying out by owner of enterprise or top management. Based on the realized questionnaire surveys, the main aim of the paper is to evaluate the basic context of risk management organization in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), which are interested in participating in cluster – related activities. The experience and attitudes of owner are played significant role in the risk management of these SMEs. One possibility how to improve owners’ experience and access to important sources of information represents the connection into the cluster. The proper cooperation between other firms and the other helpful organizations could improve the owners’ experience with risk management.

Authors: Katarína HAVIERNIKOVÁ, Jozef KLUČKA, Ján HAVKO

Release: 2018/1     Pages: 14-20     JEL classification: L26, L80, L60     

Keywords: Small and medium sized enterprises, risk management, cluster, responsibility


Katarína Havierniková, Ing. PhD.
Katedra ekonómie a ekonomiky,
Fakulta soiálno-ekonomických vzťahov,
Trenčianska Univerzita A. Dubčeka v Trenčíne
Študentská 3, 911 50 Trenčín,

doc. Ing. Jozef Klučka, PhD.
Fakulta bezpečnostného inžinierstva,
Katedra krízového manažmentu
Žilinská univerzita v Žiline,
Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina

Ing. Ján Havko
Fakulta bezpečnostného inžinierstva,
Katedra krízového manažmentu
Žilinská univerzita v Žiline,
Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina


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Social and Economic Revue
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations
Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín
Študentská 2
911 50 Trenčín
Slovak Republic

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