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The main goal of the research is to specify the aging of the population in the Slovak Republic and its impact on the labor market. Data obtained from research and current literature serve as a basis for further investigation and offer an overview of new trends related to aging and employment. Based on them, we focused on selected indicators of population aging and their expected development. Since aging affects the whole society, it is necessary to include in the analysis the labor market, the structure and state of the workforce, as well as its future development. The importance of this research stems from the fact that aging is a global and complex process that cannot be stopped. Therefore, it is important to understand its dynamics, anticipate possible future changes and look for ways to mitigate its negative consequences. The results indicate that society is going through and will go through significant demographic transformations that will affect almost all areas of life. With the decrease in the total number of inhabitants, the demographic structure also changes, while the trend of reducing the pre-productive and productive components can negatively affect economic growth. At the same time, the growing population in the post-productive category can put pressure on the social system and healthcare. The consequences of these changes are extensive, from the need to adapt education and retraining programs to the need for changes in employment policy. This process requires an interdisciplinary approach that takes into account the needs of different age groups and sectors. To ensure sustainable development, it will be necessary to invest in technologies and innovations that could support labor productivity and, to some extent, substitute for labor shortages. The findings confirm that the population of the Slovak Republic is aging and the speed of this process has a fundamental impact on the labor market and society as a whole, which requires a systematic approach to the planning and implementation of policies reflecting this challenge. I also consider it important to involve employers, who should be motivated to create flexible working conditions and an environment that supports diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Authors: Alexandra HOŤKOVÁ

Release: 2024/2     Pages: 44-56     JEL classification: J11, J21     

Keywords: aging, population, labor market


Ing. Alexandra Hoťková
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations
Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín
Študentská 3. 911 50 Trenčín
Slovak Republic


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Social and Economic Revue
Faculty of Social and Economic Relations
Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín
Študentská 2
911 50 Trenčín
Slovak Republic

tel.: +421 7400 428

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